The crew of Chisel on location
We're off to the races! After months of dedication, creativity, and hard work, our film editor, Jacob Huller, has put the finishing touches on our short film, Chisel, and we are now prepared to embark on an exhilarating journey of submitting our film to film festivals. Chisel is a captivating film that calls into question the economic hierarchy of Latino laborers from the lower level of our society.
Chisel is an intricately woven narrative that explores elements of survival, labor exploitation, and betrayal. The film follows the life of Lucas, a newcomer, who becomes ensnared in a work operation led by a leader who is driven by greed and corruption. He quickly understands that in order to achieve, one must play the game and master the rules. Eventually, Lucas sacrifices his most prized possession, his individuality, to become part of a group.
Chisel is a film about losing innocence in a corrupt world.
The wealth of this film is the stories people shared from the very beginning when I was doing street casting and stopping Hispanic laborers on the street and telling them about the film. It was the most unique experience meeting and listening to their individual journeys and learning new perspectives about patience, tolerance, and perseverance. - Julissa Scopino
The crowning point of this story is fulfilling desire and achieving a higher social position. As we embark on this exciting chapter of our filmmaking journey, we look forward to the opportunities and experiences ahead.
Director, Julissa Scopino on the set of "Chisel".